Skuebrødsdemokratiets essens
Ha, ha, ha, har ikke ledd så godt på lenge! Og lommedemokratiet er selvsagt enda mindre velkomment hos disse marerittokratene:-)
Alexis de Tocqueville visited Switzerland twice and was, to say the least, impressed. Tocqueville feared the “nanny state” all the way back at the start of the 19th century. The so-called elites of today who control Big Tech, media, and universities always refer to democracy, but they believe in it as much as I believe in male rapists transitioning and being assigned to women’s prisons.Voter input as it is in Switzerland is to our elite as welcome as a rabbi would be in a Saudi Arabian palace or an honest fact-checker in a New York Times newsroom. - Taki Theodoracopulos
Har toget gått for lommedemokratiet? Skuebrødsdemokratiets motpol, og fullbyrdelsen av pietismens essens.
Mer om skuebrødsdemokratiets essens:
You see things like this all the time under the shadow of the US empire, and individually they don’t look like much, but once you start noticing them you come to recognize them as symptoms of the profoundly diseased civilization that we are living in. One where our heart strings are pulled in the most obnoxious ways imaginable to get us to support capitalism, empire and oligarchy, where we are manipulated into espousing values systems which benefit powerful sociopaths under the cover of noble-sounding causes. Where we are trained like rats to support systems that are driving our species toward extinction because our rulers gave lip service to humanitarianism and waved a rainbow flag.
This is what dystopia looks like. Like a bunch of thought-controlled automatons mindlessly marching toward ecocide and omnicide to a beat played out by screens who tell them every day and in every way that there is no higher purpose than this. Like military industrial complex-funded feminist rock operas about drone operators and Cookie Monster helping Samantha Power psychologically colonize Iraqi children. Like Bono coming home from singing a heartfelt number about the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr to illustrate a cover for a war propaganda piece in The Atlantic.
It’s like they’re pouring concrete over our hearts. Sewing blindfolds over our souls. Numbing us, distracting us, sedating us, so that the local riff raff won’t interfere in the workings of the imperial machine. They’re killing off something beautiful and sacred in humanity, and they’re doing it to roll out some of the ugliest visions this planet has ever seen. - Caitlin Johnstone
- Bono Is Doing Illustrations For The Atlantic Now, Because Everything’s Fake And Stupid